I was raised by a crafty mother. She handmade many of my dresses in the 80’s and 90’s and after my sister came along, it was a wonderful opportunity for her to play matchy-matchy.I, of course, hated this game after I got to a certain age. The Easter of 1993 was a particularly memorable occasion. Really any religious holiday was an excuse for a new abundance of lace, eyelets, bows, ruffles and such.
I inherited my mother’s love of crafting and her creative spirit. I’ve had a sewing machine since I can remember. Mom and I made a pillow for my kindergarten teacher. She taught me how to crochet and I made blankets for my dolls. Throughout my whole childhood and adolescence I would have bursts of craftiness, but I vowed to never go “full tilt” with my sewing. I would never wear my own creations! Never dress my kids in handmade strangeness! But I suppose that is just like a kid thinking they know everything…
My mom found this magnet on my fridge and edited it. She covered the S-word and made a little “Yeah” tag to go over it. I laughed so hard when I found it days later—typical mom behavior. But in so many fun ways I have turned into my mom. I LOVE to craft! I don’ t have kids to torture with my sewing, but if I did, they would wear dresses and rompers that I handmade. (Sidebar: the 80’s and 90’s were an unfortunate time for fabric prints—at least ones my mom had access to pre-internet, so I cut her some slack there). And why would I do that to my kids? Why do I do it to my dogs? Because it’s fun! And hella cute! And crafting is my happy place. When my sewing machine and I aren’t arguing about tension settings, we can have a wonderful Saturday together. I also have never been one to follow a pattern of any kind. I still can’t read crochet speak. So my creations feel extra special to me because they came from a thought that I worked on until I saw it out into fabric, yarn, paper, wood, whatever!
So, this blog post is a Throwback Thursday for my mother, Shelly Jean. We aggravated the mess out of each other when I was a kid (and sometimes still do), but I’m glad I have her. She gave me something that is my refuge. My artistic talents come from her. I have a sewing machine (or 3) because of her. I craft because I can and because my mother showed me how to work with my hands 25+ years ago to make beautiful and love –filled things. Thank you, Momma! I’m not a spitting image of you, but we are similar in ways that make me happy and help me manage the stress of my daily grind.
I hope you all will keep coming back to see all the fun things I make, both on my sewing machine and with my can-do attitude. When I’m not posting here, you can find glimpses of my silliness on Instagram @melsischamp . I’ll post my current projects ASAP. I love what I have going! Thanks for reading!
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